Erie March for Life
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Press Release (PDF)
Pro-Life Breakfast Erie March for Life March for Life
Washington, DC

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    The Erie March for Life is organized by People for Life, Inc., a Pennsylvania non-profit corporation based in the City of Erie, Pennsylvania. We welcome everyone who supports the purpose of the March and the simple, straightforward mission of People for Life. The Erie March for Life is intended to be a show of support for the pro-life cause and an appeal to the better natures of our fellow residents and citizens. Accordingly, we do not use the event to draw inordinate attention to the People for Life organization. We ask that other participating organizations practice the same kind of deference. University pro-life groups and students representing area high schools will be the exceptions and can expect to receive the lion's share of any available limelight. Participants, both individuals and organizations, typically represent a broad spectrum of the Erie-area communities, and rightly so. (The pro-life march in Washington, DC that has taken place in January for nearly the same number of years is not affiliated formally or informally with the Erie March for Life.)
    Erie March for Life
    Saturday, January 29, 2022   . . .    11 A.M.

      The March takes place in downtown Erie.
      (Watch for more details closer to the event.).

      Begins at 11 a.m.
      The March will be followed by a closing program.
      The entire event will conclude by 12:30 p.m.

    The Erie March for Life will mark the 49th anniversary of the January 22, 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision, which struck down the abortion laws of all 50 states and allowed unborn children to be killed in the womb for any reason at any time during pregnancy.

    The March will get underway in downtown Erie at 11 a.m.

    Marchers should plan to arrive by 10:45 a.m. Parking will be available in the parking garage on Peach St. between 7th and 8th Sts. and in the lots just east of Perry Square on French St.

    Please remember to dress for winter weather and be sure to wear good, non-slip footwear, just in case you encounter any icy spots during the March.

    Please watch for announcements about speakers for the closing program.

    Page last updated December 13, 2021